I working on a FMX project and I'm using the TmsFncDataGrid export to XLS functionality. I've encountered some problems that I want to share. I hope they are due to my lack of knowledge, although some of them sound like bugs:
The grid header is not exported
I'm drawing certain cells in the OnAfterDrawCell. Nothing I do there is exported in the XLS
Text formatting with HTML tags is ignored, no bold, embedded images, etc.
After exporting, certain formatting of the grid disappears (colors, alignments, lines that divide cells). Basically what was set at design time via Appearance (in the Column objects).
Here I show the problems graphically.
That's normal, the graphics context is not available in Excel, therefore it's unable to know what it needs to draw. If you want colored cells please use
Point 4 was not understood. The bug is not the export itself but the DataGrid, which after the export is done, the formating set at the design time (via Column.Appearance) are reset (initially column 3 is red and 4 is blue, both centered. After exporting, in the grid those columns turn black and lose the center alignment of the text.