
I have several of the ttiwadvimagebutton's in my project most visible and enabled and some not.

Today I had this error occur and take my published intraweb dll down with a 500 error. 

Error Message: Error reading could not load image. invalid format

My images are loaded on to the button and are in .jpg format. The images are also stored in the same folder as the application.

I have not had this error before today. Any ideas on what could be the reason?



Can you please have a look at the following FAQ entry?
I have the following in my  IDE under Component, Install packages

TMS Intraweb Components
TMS Intraweb Components design time support
TMS Intraweb Excel Support
TMS Intraweb Grids
TMS Intraweb Grids design time support

Also this is the IWADVImageButton and not the TADVPicture component.

Same error on a different ttiwadvimagebutton. Dont know whats causing it. 

If the error didn't happen before, did any configuration settings change in your project or on the server that could have caused this?

No. They have not

Can you verify if it makes a difference when you set in the IWServerController  ComInitialization to ciNormal?

I will make the changes and keep a watch and let you know what happens. Thanks!

i am told that the ServerController.ComInitialization is used for ADO connections only. So If I'm not using an ADO connection then this setting is irrelevant.

This is possibly NOT irrelevant as picture type handling uses OLE. I ask you to test it.
