Error: Submit control does not have a handler

I have the above error message when clicking on an AdvImageButton. It appeared suddenly while it worked perfectly with IW12.2.9. The problem persists also in IW 12.2.10.

Latest TMS Components installed.

Help appreciated
Michael Lurie

I have not been able to reproduce this issue.

Can you please explain exactly how to reproduce this?
Are you using the OnClick or the OnAsyncClick event?

Hi Bart,
I have the same problem.
IW 12.2.10, latest TMS Component, using the OnClick event. The OnAsyncClick works fine.
I noticed this issue when developing an update of an existing application that uses IW 12.2.8.

Fabrizio Conti

Is it correct that this issue only started with IW 12.2.9 (or later) and that your app was working as expected in 12.2.8?

Please note that the latest general IW release is version 12.2.8, unfortunately we currently can’t provide support for newer releases (like 12.2.10) that are still considered test releases by Atozed. 

If the problem is reproducible using default IW controls (i.e.: IWButton), I would recommend contacting Atozed for further assistance.

If the problem only happens when using the IWAdvImageButton then please provide a sample project that demonstrates the issue so I can further investigate this.

Yes, the application works fine with 12.2.8 and the problem arose only in 12.2.9 and later.
No, I couldn't reproduce the problem using the standard TIWImageButton.
I have just sent a very simple project to
Thanks for your help

This issue has been fixed.
The update will be available with the next release of the TMS IW Component Pack.