error after installation new version of FMX UI Pack: "Fehler beim Lesen von TPopupBox..."

for weeks ive updatet my FMX UI Pack to - but in a function ive longer not started i get the error:

"Fehler beim Lesen von TPopupBox. TextAlign: Ungültiges Eigenschaftselement taTrailing" :frowning:

but i cannot found a component with that name in the sourcecode and on another system - ive not updated - it runs perfect - what can I do???

Thanks and greetings from frankfurt...


Is this an old project? Does it use styling?
You will need to remove the component from the form and add it again.

its a new project and yes, it use styles,

"remove the component" - which component do you mean? I cant find a component named TPopupBox in the sourcecode..

now Ive debugged. problem is when I load the style - but the style-files are ok.

UPDATE: f.e. the calypso-style runs fine, hmmm.... I will check or update the style files and if Ive problems again I will call you. Nice weekend (and sorry for Leverkusen ;-)


I'm not a Union fan :slight_smile: thanks and have a nice weekend.

hi again,
I think the problem is/was that some styles arent compatible to 11.X. some Ivent used in only in 10.X - and these styles arent in the getIt too. so what.. bye..