edDateTimeEdit Editor in TAdvStringGrid too large

When I have a column with an editor of type edDateTimeEdit, the column
must be really large to show the date and time AND the two editors in
the column. As a result, part of the date disappears when the column
isn't a least twice as wide as the date/time itself.
It would be
really nice to have an editor, that pops out to fill in both date and
time and then pops in again. For now there is only one choice for a
date/time column and that one does not fit.
I know I can construct
one of my own with a TEditLink, but that seems too big an effort for
something that should be there default. So I hope you will consider
adding this.

We will investigate & consider.

We added a property grid.DateAndTimePicker.MinimumWidth that will allow you to specify a minimum width for the datetimepicker inplace editor to use when the cell width is too small.
This new property will be included in the next release.

Thank you!
Looking forward to it.

Installed the new version and it works like a charm.