Dropbox shared Folders


You wrote in your documentation, that i can detect a shared Item with


Unfortunatelly i did not find this Property in the CloudItems. Can you give me an advice ??


Please note that the CloudItem.Shared property is currently not supported for all Cloud Storage services.
At this time the CloudItem.Shared property is available for TAdvGDrive, TAdvOneDrive, TAdvHiDrive.

We'll have to investigate if the DropBox API supports this and if it can be implemented in a future version of the TMS Cloud Pack.

Hi Bart

The Dropbox API Supports it. I tested it with your component and i got the Information, that a Folder is shared. I need this, to show the User, that he has shared a Folder to another person.

Hi Roland,

Thank you for your suggestion.
We'll consider adding this feature in a future version of the TMS Cloud Pack.