Dropbox - Access violation uploading

I'm getting an access violation after uploading a file.

The stack trace is coming from:






     CompanyFolder: TCloudItem;

     BackupFolder: TDropBoxItem;

     UploadedFile: TDropBoxItem;


     Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;


     Screen.Cursor := crDefault;

     BackupFolder := AdvDropBox1.GetFolderInfo('MY_BACKUPS');

     if BackupFolder = nil then begin

          CompanyFolder := AdvDropBox1.CreateFolder(nil,'MY_BACKUPS'); // Root Level


     else begin

          CompanyFolder := BackupFolder;


     if BackupFolder <> nil then


     BackupFolder := AdvDropBox1.GetFolderInfo('MY_BACKUPS/THIS_BACKUPS');

     if BackupFolder = nil then begin

          AdvDropBox1.CreateFolder(CompanyFolder,'THIS_BACKUPS'); // Root Level

          BackupFolder := AdvDropBox1.GetFolderInfo('MY_BACKUPS/THIS_BACKUPS');


     if BackupFolder <> nil then begin

          ProgressBar1.Position := 0;

          ProgressBar1.Visible := true;

          IsUploading := true;


               UploadedFile := nil;

               UploadedFile := AdvDropBox1.Upload(BackupFolder, 'P:\StorageDemo\Debug\Win32\CloudStorageDemo.exe'); //Access violation post upload

               if UploadedFile<>nil then



               IsUploading := false;

               ProgressBar1.Visible := false;

               ProgressLabel.Caption := '';



     if BackupFolder <> nil then


     CompanyFolder := nil;

     Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;


     Screen.Cursor := crDefault;


I get the same thing using C++. I ended up using an undocumented Upload function that takes a string representing the folder name/path for the first argument and the file name/path for the second argument. They need to fix this!

Here's the thread I posted:


Thanks! Tried the alternate call as you pointed out and that works.

Definitely need to check into this. It's strange that the demo works fine, but this code doesn't. Unless there's some issues with dependencies with the ListView, which I'm not using.

I'm also waiting for XE6 version of CloudPack. Surprised they haven't released that yet.

Although we could not directly reproduce a problem, we've applied an improvement for a possible AV. Coming update will have this improvement and will hopefully address your issue.

Great. Hopefully the update will be soon. I'm held up on my XE6 conversion because Cloudpack hasn't been released for XE6.

We aim for a release this week.
Bruno Fierens2014-06-03 13:57:56