Different Color for Statutory Holidays on Multimon

I have developed a Payroll Shift Schedule using the DBPlanner and DBMultiuMonthSource to display all 12 months of the current year. Since Saturday and Sunday are set as 'Inactive' days, the color comes through as grey which is fine. I have a table that contains the Statutory Holidays and I would like these days to display in a different color on the DBPlanner.

Can you tell me how I can make the Planner 'cell' show in a differnent color based on wheher or not the day is a statutory holiday?
There may or may not be shift scheduled for the statutory holdiay.

You could use the property Planner.BackgroundColor[col,row]: TColor to set the background color of specific cells.

Thanks for the reply, Bruno.

Sorry I did not respond earlier but I was away.
If I am using a MultiMonthSource to display a full calendar year, how would I identify the [row,col] of a specific date on the Planner? Would I somehow use the AbsTimeToCell Function or is there another way of getting this information?

You could use AbsTimeToCell but other than this, it should be straightforward, as I'd assume the column you need is based on a simple calculation that the first column shows the first month, the second column the seconc month etc... and the first day is in the first row, second day in second row etc..

When I first display the Planner, I default to the current Year (Jan-Dec) so I can populate the background color in the manner you suggested. (Calculate the Row and Column based on the Month and Day). Howerver, I allow the user to scroll from side to side one month at a time. When the user does this, the row and column can no longer be calculated based on the Month and Day. I suppose I could keep track of when the user scrolls and use that as an offset. I just thought there might be an easy way to grab the row and column using a date.

The more I think of it, though, I will probably only allow the user to scroll a year at a time. I'm sure there will be a performance hit I f try to update the background colors as the user scrolls month by month.
Thanks for your help, Bruno.
By the way, I just thought I would mention that I am not receiving Email notifications for replies to my post even though I have checked the box and verified that my email address is correct.

Wrt scrolling, I assume here you use the left & right scroll buttons and you can handle this scrolling via the Planner.OnPlannerNext/OnPlannerPrev events. From this event, you could reinitialize the color based on the MultiMonthSource.StartMonth property that has the month index for the first month displayed.

Wrt email: are you sure no spam filter/junk email filter is blocking these emails? Is your correct email address setup in your account?

Thanks Bruno,

The StartMonth and Year Properties on the DBMultiMonthSource give me what I need.
We do not have any Filters and I did verify that my email is correct. Don't worry about it, though. If I have more posts, I will just monitor the forum.

Sorry Bruno, I have one more question on this issue.

Is there a function that clears ALL the background colors on the Planner?
As I scroll from left to right, I change the backgroundcolor on the new cell that has the Statutory Holiday but the old cell still has the background color of the Statutory Holdiday. I can certainly accomplish what I heed by processing the Stat Holidays once to clear the color on the old cell and once to populate the color on the new cell but since there are other cells I would like to change colors on I was wondering if there was an easier way.