Debugging in IDE

I tried to use the possibility of debugging in the IDE, it is working perfectly if i create a simple project from the scatch. I can start it, and debug within the IDE. My Problem is that as soon as i try to use the debugging in my existing WebCore Project, the breakpoints are getting deactivated starting the application ???
In the project options, debugging in IDE is enabled (set to True)....
Any idea what could cause this behaviour, or is there a possibilty to deactivate the debugging on application start ??

Thx for your help

Is it configured both in the IDE and in the project setting?

Hi Bruno,

yes, in the IDE and in the project

Project :

Very strange.
What happens when you create a new project and add your existing project form files & units to it and compile as a new project?


i need to check on that, the project is fairly big...
I will need some time to verify this