DBAdvGrid - multi-selection with checkbox

Hi everybody,

I have a TDBAdvGrid that show a list of record. I want to use this grid to make a selection. 

I want a checkbox at the first column of the grid that I can click to select a record. 
I want to use multi-select (as I already see "disjunctRowSelect" could make it), but I want the checkbox to be check when I multi-select with "shift" or "ctrl".
I want that if I already select 5 records and go down the grid to select 5 more records in the bottom (with "shift" or "ctrl"), I want all the 10 records to be selected and "checked".

Is there any way for me to do this ?

Is there an option to "select all" records if I click on the header of my "selection column (first column of grid)" ?

Thank you for your help.

Did you check the demo in folder Demo\DBAdvGrid\ADOSelection that shows multiselection with a checkbox?

Yes I already look at the demo, the multi-selection on checkbox click works great.

But when I set the property "DisjunctRowSelect = True" and "PageMode = False", the checkbox does not checked when I select records using "Shift" or "Ctrl".
And I got a scroll problem when I try selecting many records, when I scroll down with my mouse, the grid scroll 5 records unless of 1 ????

Thanks for the support

Disjunct row selection indicates the selected state of a row via the cell background color. It will not automatically check checkboxes depending on the selection state of rows.

You could at application synchronize such checkbox selection state from the grid event OnRowDisjunctSelected.