Custom filter method on TTMSFNCTreeView

Would it be possible to provide an anonymous method to the TTMSFNCTreeViewFilterData to allow for some custom filtering. Basically, I want to do some logic based on the Condition field, which is not a simple matching condition. e.g. say for some log info, log level could do conditional logic based on the condition filter and the acutal data. Also, looking at the TTMSFNCTreeViewData.MatchFilter, it does quite a lot of work (striping html, unfixmarkup, etc...), so if someone wants to do something simpler, it would be possible. Essentially, would be useful if the MatchFilter could do:

for i := 1 to FFilter.Count do
    with FFilter.Items[i - 1] do
        if assigned(CustomMatch) then 
             temp := CustomMatch(ANode, Condition);        
        end else begin
             // existing functionality
        case FFilter.Items[i - 1].Operation of
        // ...