Compatibility with IW14.0.5

I upgraded my IW installation to 14.0.5 and my TMS IW component pack to After doing so I was unable to compile the TMS pack due to missing IWStrings and IWSystem files. According to AToZed these files have been moved as follows:

IWStrings now is IW.Common.Strings and IWSystem is now IW.Common.System.


Thank you for notifying.
We are aware of the breaking changes Atozed has included in the new IW version.
These changes will be handled in a future release of the TMS IW Component Pack.

Hi Bart,

Can you please advise when you will release an update that is compatible with the current version of IW14?

I will be using IW14 with Delphi XE2.

Thank you,

Hi Tim,

Unfortunately, at this time, there's no fixed date available when support for the current version of IW 14 will be added.

We are currently testing and evaluating the new IntraWeb versions and we'll release an update when these versions are sufficiently stable.