Color of texts in circular gauge


I need to change the collors of the display text iin the circular gauge and the digits in the scale.
How can I do it?

for the display text

TMSFMXCircularGauge1.GetDisplayText.TextSettings.FontColor := TAlphaColorRec.Red;

for the digits in the scale:

procedure TForm1.TMSFMXCircularGauge1ApplyDivisionTextStyle(Sender: TObject;
  AOriginalText, AText: TText; DivisionUnit: Integer; Value: Single);
  AText.TextSettings.FontColor := TAlphaColorRec.Red;

Thank you!
Is there a reference for real all properties? I can't find something.

We have manual starting at page 64 for the gauge specifically:

Thank you!
But, that I have. P.e. there doesn't stay this properties or procedures, that you did call in your first comment. Speziell I can't change the color of the digits in the scale. Is nat "displaytext" and not "divisiontext". For something like that, a full reference would be very good