Client certificate


I am planning on using the AWS IOT service, with client certificates. I have checked the manual and I do not find any documentation of how to use a certificate.

Can you please provide me with the documentation or example on how to use a client certificate with the MQTT client?

Kind regards,


I Would also like to know how to use client certificates.

is there anyone from TMS that can answer this question please? I think an MQTT client without the use of certificates will not be very useful for cloud based deployments

I have the same question, how to use TLS?

Did you get a reply ? I have the same question

At this moment, for security, you can use SSL and all you need to do for that is set TMSMQTTClient.UseSSL = true.

How can I use TLS with CA certificate files? Like Van Hecke Geert says, MQTT client without the use of certificates will not be very useful for cloud based deployments.

You can access the Indy IO handler via TMSMQTTClient.Connection.SSLIOHandler

and set the certificate this way.
See also:

Bruno Fierens2018-09-14 22:45:16