Can't compile v1.4.0.0 of WX Pack in Lazarus

Ok one reason is obvious why it won't compile, this has been present in the previous version as well, unit LCLTMSFNCWXDocx has in it's uses clause unit 'LCLTMSFNCWXDocx.Models', this is an easy fix so I have not bothered to mention it, the unit should be 'LCLTMSFNCWXDocxModels' without the period.

But the latest version won't compile in Lazarus for another reason, this has to do with the added unit 'LCLTMSFNCWXContainer', compiler breaks at the line 583 ' mlkStyle: ...' saying that the identifier 'mlkStyle' is not found.

Not sure if this has anything to do with type TTMSFNCCustomWEBControlLinkKind found in the unit 'LCLTMSFNCCustomWEBControl' where it defines following (mlkLink, mlkScript), mlkStyle identifier is missing. Not sure if simply adding mlkStyle would fix this problem, have not tried it. I leave it with you guys to fix it, please look into it. Thank you.

OK I have added the identifier 'mlkStyle' to the type TTMSFNCCustomWEBControlLinkKind and that has seemed to fix the Lazarus compile problem, mind you I do not know if this creates any other issues, I have not tested anything. Anyway I just want you to be aware of these two bugs.


You'll need to update the TMS FNC Core pack to the latest version. This contains the 'mlkStyle'.

For the LCLTMSFNCWXDocxModels issue, we fixed this and will become available in the next update.