Cannot install TMSFNCRESTClientEditorPkgDE packaege (D12)


I tried to install TMSFNCRESTClientEditorPkgDE.dproj package but it failed with error:

Checking project dependencies...
Compiling TMSFNCRESTClientEditorPkgDE.dproj (Debug, Win32)
brcc32 command line for ".\Win32\Debug\TMSFNCRESTClientEditorPkgDE.vrc"
d:\dev\embarcadero\studio\23.0\bin\cgrc.exe -c65001 .\Win32\Debug\TMSFNCRESTClientEditorPkgDE.vrc -fo.\Win32\Debug\TMSFNCRESTClientEditorPkgDE.res
dcc32 command line for "TMSFNCRESTClientEditorPkgDE.dpk"
d:\dev\embarcadero\studio\23.0\bin\dcc32.exe -$O- -$W+ -$R+ -$Q+ --no-config -M -Q -Z -TX.bpl -AGenerics.Collections=System.Generics.Collections;
Generics.Defaults=System.Generics.Defaults;WinTypes=Winapi.Windows;WinProcs=Winapi.Windows;DbiTypes=BDE;DbiProcs=BDE;DbiErrs=BDE -DDEBUG;;
FRAMEWORK_FMX -E.\Win32\Debug -Id:\dev\embarcadero\studio\23.0\lib\Win32\debug;.......
-V -VN
--description:"TMS FNC Cloud Pack for FMX/VCL Designtime" -JL -NB.\Win32\Debug -NH.\Win32\Debug -NO.\Win32\Debug TMSFNCRESTClientEditorPkgDE.dpk
[dcc32 Fatal Error] FMXTMSFNCRESTClientEditorPkg.dpk(28): E2225 Never-build package 'rtl' must be recompiled
[dcc32 Fatal Error] TMSFNCRESTClientEditorPkgDE.dpk(38): E2202 Required package 'FMXTMSFNCRESTClientEditorPkg' not found
Elapsed time: 00:00:02.0

If you look at the picture bellow, you will notice that
1 - package declarion name is different from physical package file name
2 - package mixes both vcl and fmx files

All packages are installed through tms smart setup.
I don't have any issue with my path (every pacakges, projects are compiling fine)

How can i fix that ? Is it possible to install this package automatically with smart setup (which config file nshould be amended)

Thanks forf your help.


Thank you for letting us know.
This is related to the smart setup installation.
We'll have to investigate how we can solve this in the best way.

Sorry to bother you but their are still persisting errors, now I'm not qble to compile

Name of the package (FMXTMSFNCRESTClientEditorPkg) is different of the name of the dpk file (TMSFNCRESTClientEditorPkg);

Also, not sure about it, it contains both FMX*.pas and FMX*.dcp files.

You installed the FNC UI Pack and FNC Cloud Pack via the installers (not smart setup). And then you need to install the groupproj.