Calling XData service operation error


I have a WebCore app that calls an XData service operation. XData is working OK, I tested it via Swagger.

In the webCore app I have a connection and a TXDataWebClient. The connection connects correctly

When executing this (after a button click, the connection is already active:

clientOpenDoor.RawInvoke('IDoorService.CheckPin', [1, 4]);

I get this error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: Result is not defined
    at Object.TValue_ToString (Bcl.Rtti.Common.pas:69)
    at Object.Create$2 (Bcl.Rtti.Common.pas:62)
    at Object.c.$create (rtl.js:323)
    at Object.TValue_AsString (Bcl.Rtti.Common.pas:109)
    at Object.TryValueToUrl (XData.Types.Converters.pas:435)
    at Object.ValueToUrl (XData.Model.Classes.pas:949)
    at Object.BindValueToUrl (XData.Bind.Converter.pas:17)
    at Object.BuildQueryString (XData.Web.Client.pas:1140)
    at Object.Execute (XData.Web.Client.pas:1240)
    at Object.InternalRawInvoke (XData.Web.Client.pas:643)

Nothing is sent, the error seems to happen before any network activity (at least as I can see in the browser console).

Service operation contract

unit DoorServiceInterface;


  System.Classes, Generics.Collections, XData.Service.Common, Aurelius.Mapping.Attributes;

  IDoorService = interface(IInvokable)
    function CheckPin(Door: integer; Pin: string): boolean;




I'm stuck, any suggestion would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

If you need any additional code or nformation, I would be happy to provide it.

The second parameter in CheckPin is a string type, have you tried call it like this:

clientOpenDoor.RawInvoke('IDoorService.CheckPin', [1, '4']);


Thank you, that was the mistake. Now works like a charm :)

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