I'm not into the whole gaming thing, but I suspect that what I'm looking for isn't anything particularly new. It's a way to connect several players to the same board game using a couple of different web apps.
Imagine a game like cribbage, dominos, Monopoly, or Scrabble, where you have several players at different locations playing the same game. Anywhere from 2 to 6 or so players per game.
On my laptop or computer I'd be running a common game app (the "Board app") that shows something like a table-top with the game board and some stats and whatnot on it. It's accessible via a website URL. It's either a shared web page or perhaps a video stream (I'd prefer a shared web page for lower bandwidth).
A player can join the game somehow on some device that lets them view the board on a large screen, maybe their home TV, and they'd be able to also connect via a second device like their phone or a tablet to manage their resources, called the "Player app".
Let's take Scrabble as an example. Everybody gets to see the same playing surface as the Board app's view. Then each player uses the Player app on their phone or tablet to manage the letter tiles they are dealt. They could play around with different word combinations and how they'd fit on the main board, without anybody else seeing what they're doing.
When it's their turn, they'd be able to press a button sequence and tell the game "put this string of letters starting at this box on the main board going in this direction" and the tiles would be rendered on the common playing surface in the Board app that's visible to all players.
What I'm wondering about is ways that one could implement the underlying communications channels needed by such a design.
If it's a card game, there are cards you might want to toss away and maybe replace. If it's a game that uses dice, you'd spin and then direct where you want your playing piece to move on the board, following up with other options that might apply. That all depends on the logic and rules of the game.
But they all require the same underlying mechanism: a common board, private areas for players, and a way for the Player app to tell the Board app what the player wants their move to be.
The Board app is a "display only" app that lets everybody see the current state of the playing board.
The Player app lets them manage their own playing pieces and do whatever they want "off-screen". When it's their turn to play, they can tell the Board app, "Here's my move".
How could this be implemented? I can see how this could be done under Windows on a LAN, but I'm drawing a blank on how to do it using web apps running in the various browsers.