Association references a transient object.on ApplyUpdates


I have a problem when applying updates in a dataset. This method worked until few months ago, but after opening a project, recompiling it and running it it fails when i do an ApplyUpdates. The error is in the XData server after calling ApplyChanges in the WebCore app.

Project Orders.Server.VCL.exe raised exception class EAssociationReferencesTransientObject with message 'Association references a transient object. 
Parent: Entities.TOdvoz(12), Transient: Entities.TVehicle(5), Association: FVehicle'.

The code below is simplified, to be shorter I removed all the other properties that are not related.

First I save the vehicle object in a TWebDataModule property

TmodMain = class(TWebDataModule)
  Vozilo: TObject;

When the user logs in the WebCore application, I save the vehicle object for later usage:

procedure TmodMain.wdsVehicleAfterOpen(DataSet: TDataSet);
    Vehicle := TObject(TXDataWebDataSet(DataSet).CurrentData);

Then (in another form of the WebCore application) I use the object after opening a dataset.

procedure TfrmOdvoz.wdsOdvozAfterOpen(DataSet: TDataSet);
var cas: TTime;
    wdsOdvoz.FieldByName('Id').AsInteger := 0; // New record, without this I get an error on Posting.
    wdsOdvoz.FieldByName('Vehicle').Value := modMain.Vehicle;
    // Tried also this, but same result.
//    wdsOdvoz.FieldByName('Vozilo').Value := modMain.wdsVozila.CurrentData;


When i click the save button, this code is executed

 .. editing of the wdsOdvoz fields, not related to field "Vehicle"

The error is raised on the REST server (XData). It all worked without problems a few months before.

Please, help!

Kind regards

  [Id('FId', TIdGenerator.IdentityOrSequence)]
  TOdvoz = class
    [Column('Id', [TColumnProp.Required, TColumnProp.NoInsert, TColumnProp.NoUpdate])]
    FId: Integer;
    [Association([TAssociationProp.Lazy, TAssociationProp.Required], [])]
    [JoinColumn('Vozilo', [TColumnProp.Required], 'Id')]
    FVehicle: Proxy<TVozilo>;

I also tried to use this

TJSObject(wdsOdvozPodrobno.CurrentData)['Vehicle@xdata.ref'] := Format('Vehicle(%d)', [modMain.VehicleId]);

but this raises a different error

Odvoz.pas:208  Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'Vehicle@xdata.ref')

So no improvement here.. :frowning:

The problem is in the mapping of FVehicle association, it's missing the cascades. Use this:

  [Association([TAssociationProp.Lazy, TAssociationProp.Required], CascadeTypeAllButRemove)]
  [JoinColumn('Vozilo', [TColumnProp.Required], 'Id')]
  FVehicle: Proxy<TVozilo>;

I messed the entities when I exported them again from the Data modeler tool.

I prepared a script in Data modeler to fix the issue in the future :slight_smile:

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