Animated Image

Hello all

I need to add a animated gif (rotated image) to the application.
Is there a way, a component to do this ?
tks in advance.

You could consider TAdvPicture that can do this.

I forgot to say in the first time ... is a Intraweb application. TAdvPicture works on intraweb ?

If you use an animated GIF image, you can use this directly in IntraWeb with IWFileImage, IWImage, you do not need a special component for this.

but is not working for me ...

I put 2 gif's and none rotate.
any property ? something other than load file into image?
Output Type = ioGif

or is posible that the gif to be "broken"?

That is something outside the scope of our components. I'd suggest to first separately test the animated gifs in a browser (i.e. outside of the IntraWeb framework) If this works directly in the browser and not in IntraWeb, I'd recommend to consult with Atozed software.