AdvStringGrid EditCellDone

Hi, if I use the AddCheckBox(1,1) and I use the edCheckBox in the OnGetEditorType, the event EditCellDone do not fire. If I do not use AddCheckBox the event work.
I am missing something?

There is a difference between having a checkbox in a cell via OnGetEditorType and via grid.AddCheckBox.
When using grid.AddCheckBox, you get an always visible checkbox that is always there to be clicked and it triggers the OnCheckBoxClick event. The cell does not really get in edit mode for this, it can be considered to be always in edit mode.
When using OnGetEditorType, the checkbox only becomes visible when the cell gets in editing mode and disappears again when the cell goes out of edit mode. The OnEditCellDone is triggered after the cell went out of edit mode.

We recommend to use grid.AddCheckBox() and handle the check box click via the OnCheckBoxClick event.