Formula handling is broken when you have hidden columns "to the left".
no problem when hidden columns are at the right end of the grid.
Place a spreadgrid, make it ColCount = 10.
type some numbers at right most cells, and make a formula on them. Maybe
R1C9 = 2
R2C9 = 3
R3C9 = =R1C9 * R2C9
Now hide some left columns.
Formulas will keep working, based on original address references (as if all columns were unhidden).
BUT, when you type a new formula, it'll check if the col/row references are within RealCells range (available unhidden cols/rows).
In the example above, after hiding some left columns and trying to type a formula using any C9 data, it would mark it with an invalid reference error.
It also applies to CellNameMode nmA1.
If those data/formulas were at the third column, and you hide the first 2 columns (0..1), no problem... you'll be able to reference data from columns 2..7. But you wouldn't be able to reference data from columns 8 & 9.
Is there any workaround for hiding leftmost (or even middle-range) columns without messing up formulas?
Something similar happened in the past working with dbadvgrid & hidden fields. I had to move hidden fields to the end. If they were in the beginning or in the middle, other column properties assignments were completely messed up.