AdvPageControl missing "New Page" item menu

Good morning to all,
today i've add on my project a TadvPageControl component.
when i try to add a new page pressing rigth mouse button, the "New Page" item is missing.
I 'm able to add a new page manually via ALT+F12 and add it by code but can you check this?
I'm also installed the latest version of VCL UI PACK but this problem still persist.
I'll installed all packs present in TMS VCL UI PACKS directory without resolve the problem.

Last "problem" i got is for TMS Subscription manager.
Sometime when i install e new library version via subscription manager (better say when i install new library via excutable file) and i choose a custom path where install the library, after the installation and run the ide i have an error messege like "pakage not found ecc....". In this case i manually install the pakage via ide and it compile and install it in default bpl ide path. (i'm not so sure if anyone reading understood what I mean).

Thank you for attention

Best regard

I suspect you do not have the package active in your IDE.
See Component / Install Packages and make sure it is listed AND checked:


If you get after install an error 'package not found' , this means that for some reason, the installer couldn't compile the package on your machine.
For such issues, send the installer generated log file under c:\users\USERNAME\AppData\local\tmssoftware by private email to support so we can investigate what failed.

Good afternoon Bruno,
thank you for reply ... done and work again .... :blush: :+1:

About second "problem" i'll follow your suggestion in case happend again (i hope no!!)

Thank you
