advOfficeHint -TMS Office xxxx Ribbon wizard app

The demo advOfficeHint works
but I do not see the advOfficeHint pop up anymore since XE 10.1 Berlin update 1

it worked for me in XE 10.1 Berlin prior

I had an application that works but now does not.
I created a new blank TMS wizard ribbon app (2010 or 2016) and added an advOfficeHint object
and set the btn office hint . - no luck

Please advise- is there a new setting required?

I have more information.

-the issue is on the AdvOfficeStatusBar - the office hints do not appear anymore with XE 10.1 Berlin Upd1.
-I have a simple example project I can send or upload.

We have fixed the issue in TAdvOfficeStatusBar . Next update will address this.

thank you