AdvGridDropDown Questions


I want to use AdvGridDropDown in one of my tables but I am having trouble getting it to work the way I want. My setup code is

PartGrid->AdvGridDropDown->Columns->Add()->Header = "Code";
PartGrid->AdvGridDropDown->Columns->Add()->Header = "Supplier";
PartGrid->AdvGridDropDown->LookupColumn = 0;
PartGrid->AdvGridDropDown->LookupMethod = lmLookup;
PartGrid->AdvGridDropDown->HeaderHeight = 0;
for (supplier in suppliers)
  PartGrid->AdvGridDropDown->Items->Add()->Text->CommaText = supplier->Abbreviation + "," + supplier->Name;

When the grid drops down, the current row in the grid does not match the value in the cell. Instead, it is always the first row in the grid. I tried adding

  if (supplier->Abbreviation == PartGrid->Cells[SUPPLIER_COLUMN][PartGrid->Row])
    PartGrid->AdvGridDropDown->Grid->Row = PartGrid->AdvGridDropDown->Grid->RowCount-1;

in the for loop to set the row but that did not make a difference. How do I get the row in the dropdown to match the value in the table cell?

When I select a value/row in the dropdown grid, the dropdown disappears but the active column in the parent grid is changed to the column to the left of my current column. Why is that?

Can I hide the header and footer rows in the dropdown grid?
