When having master-detail (both selecting from AdvDBLookupCombobox) there is a bug displaying data.
How to reproduce;
Put two AdvDBLookupCombobox objects (C1, C2) on the form.
C1->ListSource = DMasterTable;
C1->KeyField = ID;
...ListField = ID;
C2->ListSource = DDetailTable;
C2->KeyField = ID;
...ListField = ID;
Master and Detail tables are related by ID (Master) and IDMaster (Detail).
Now, if you use C1 and select ID=1 then you will see all related records from Detail table that have IDMaster = 1. Using C2 select any of these records in Detail table. Now if you try to change the selection in C1 you can never select any other value in C2 rather then the last one. It always automatically selects the last record.
This is not happening when using DBLookupComboBox.