ZBar Component

Wasn't 100% sure where to post this.


I am trying to use the free TMS component for ZBar for iOS.

Using 10.1 Berlin Update 1

I can't seem to get this to compile and run properly on my iphone 5 on latest iOS.

While deplying the app will open/close a few times before Delphi appears to be done.

Unplug it and run it, can sometimes get it to start up. 

Pressing the camera icon it crashes.

There was no instructions included.

1) Deployment settings an issue?  Doesn't seem to deploy the .a files

2) If this is the case what is best way to add these?  Also if you want your app to do 32/64 bit then whats base case for that?

NSCameraUsageDescription needed added was the problem. 

Was shown in the crash report on the phone. 

I guess next thing is to figure out how to remove the info button in the bottom right.
It doesn't appear to do anything but bring up a blank box.


We are accessing the scanner through the zlib library, so the info button is by design. It's unclear if there is a property / setting to control this. You could also use our own bar code scanning library in TMS iCL (TTMSFMXNativeBarCodeScanner). This only displays a plain camera view without buttons.

Ok.. I saw where some people were able to hide the info button with a little bit of work (mostly hackery it seemed) 

I'll have to the check out TTMSFMXNativeBarCodeScanner .... Apparently missed that existed.

Thank you for this information. We'll look in to this.