XE5 Compile error with ACXPVS.pas

I have just upgraded to XE5 and also upgraded my licences for TMS Component Pack currently using, Steema Teechart Pro 2014 for VCL (Build 2013.09.131119) and Fast Reports Pro for VCL 4.15.

I have opened up an existing application that compiled fine in XE3 and get the following error

[dcc32 Fatal Error] advofficepager.pas(416): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'ACXPVS.pas'

Can you advise how I can fix this error please?

Many thanks


There are many errors stating

[dcc32 Error] acxpvs.pas(1537): E2008 Incompatible types

which each point to a line of code such as

@OpenThemeData := GetProcAddress(DLLHandle,'OpenThemeData');
    Assert(@OpenThemeData <> nil);

This assertion seems like a valid boolean test, or do I need to disable all assertions using a compiler directive?
Any guidance is gratefully received.


Set compiler option "Typed @ operator" to default setting, i.e. false.

This option was already set to false .. see attached Project Options


Can you see my screenshots or not .. and should this actually be a direct support email?

Many thanks


Please restore default compiler options. With default compiler options there is NO issue. We develop & test against default settings.

Forum: General
Topic: XE5 Compile error with ACXPVS.pas
Posted By: Bruno Fierens

Please restore default compiler options. With default compiler options there is NO issue. We develop & test against default settings

Hi Bruno

I have never used anything other than default settings, until your email requesting I change the compiler options; having done as requested the problem still persists.  I have reset the compiler  options back to default again, and the program still won't compile.

Please advise.

Many thanks


With default compiler options, I cannot see any problem here.
The only way I could reproduce your problem was by setting the option "Typed @ operator" to true (and it is normal & makes sense you would indeed see the problem you report with this setting)

When the option "Typed @ operator" is false, this problem should not happen. I can only guess that if it continues to happen, you change the compiler option in the wrong spot.

After much experimentation, the programs are compiling.

Many thanks for your help.
