Hi Wagner,
I had declare the below class with a FDelLines: TList<TItemDocumentLine> as deleted lines and I had add [transient,XdataProperty] property.
In Client side each time I delete a member of FItemDocument_ItemDocLineList: TList<TItemDocumentLine>
at the same and before deletion I add the deleted object to the FDelLines: TList<TItemDocumentLine>.
After this at the service call I pass the single entity TItemDocument as a parameter and I expected to find the deleted lines on the server. Note that the deleted lines are available on the client side but not in the server, it is just empty.
Thank you
[Id('FID', TIdGenerator.IdentityOrSequence)]
TItemDocument = class
[Column('ID', [TColumnProp.Required])]
FID: Integer;
[Transient, XdataProperty]
FDelLines: TList<TItemDocumentLine>;
[ManyValuedAssociation([], [TCascadeType.SaveUpdate, TCascadeType.Merge, TCascadeType.RemoveOrphan], 'FItemDocumentID')]
FItemDocument_ItemDocLineList: TList<TItemDocumentLine>;
function GetDelLines:TList<TItemDocumentLine>;
procedure SetDelLines(const Value: TList<TItemDocumentLine>);