XData server on Windows 2019 server


I can't get XData server to work on physical network addressis.
It works correctly when called from localhost but it wont work on physical address.

works fine.

This site can’t be reached refused to connect.

tried also with +
and with with ip address

Same server works fine at windows 10 pc.

Have you properly allowed the HTTP ports in Windows firewall, and opened ports in your network to allow access from the outside?


port is opened.
And that connection doesn't even work from same machine with that address.

More info:
Server has multiple network cards and currently three of them is in use.

Hard to tell, there might be something in your server network configuration. Are you able to ping that IP? Are you able to connect to any other service in that machine, locally, using that IP? Isn't it an external IP address?
Just use + as the wildcard in your URL reservation and things should work - besides of course, your network configuration.


ping works and there is a apache server in that IP address for the web page which is using that XData server.
That Web page displays correctly.

What does the Network tab in browser console (DevTools) indicate about the failed request? Is there more information there? HTTP status error code, messages in console, etc.?

Hi it gives same error.

More info
When I tried to call that from another computer
Firewall on -> error ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
Firewall turned off -> error ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

And when firewall is on and called from another computer this event is logged to firewall log

I: Type: FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE_CLASSIFY_DROP. Dropped by filter: Port Scanning Prevention Filter, This filter prevents port scanning. This many times means there are no listeners. If debugging ensure your scenario has one.. Dropped by layer: Inbound Transport v4 Discard Layer. Direction: outbound. Local port: 2001. Remote port: 60627. IPv4 local address: IPv4 remote address: Protocol: TCP(6).

It looks like your firewall is not properly configured in first place. It's dropping connection to 2001 ports. Solve that first or do your tests with firewall disabled.
But then there is another issue with the firewall disabled, which is something in your computer. What are all the reserved URLs listed in TMSHttpConfig?

I have also tried http://*:2001/ProTube and http://+:2001/ProTube instead of and that doesn't make any difference


it seems that there is similar problem with windows 2019 server

Reading that link (which doesn't solve the issue, and the authors seem to be confident that the problem is on customer side), I wonder what is the base URL you are using for the server?

I suggest you try different combinations with http://+:2001, http://localhost:2001,, http://*:2001, and so on.

But make sure you set THttpSysServer.KeepHostInUrlPrefixes to True, because Sparkle does the same thing as Nancy: it replaces the host by + - unless you set KeepHostInUrlPrefixes to True.

Maybe this helps.

I add that KeepHostInUrlPrefixes and now it started to give error messages.
I try it even with another ipaddress in same machine, but no help.

Could not add the following Url to the server.
Be sure that you have reserved the Url in Http.Sys with proper permissions.

Error: The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help
Could not add the following Url to the server.
Be sure that you have reserved the Url in Http.Sys with proper permissions.

Error: The network location cannot be reached. For information about network troubleshooting, see Windows Help

Same error with firewall disabled/enabled.
Running server app with run as administrator doesn't make any difference.


This error happens because the URL is not reserved. If you are using an IP as the Base URL with KeephostInUrlPrefixes set to True, then you have to reserve the URL using the IP address as well.
Note that you also have the reserved URL http://+:2001, you can try to remove that and leave only the one with IP address.

I removed that and it doesn't make any change. Still same error.

I'm really running out of ideas. Never seen such issue. Do you have a different Window Server 2019 to test and confirm (or not) that this problem only happens in this specific server install?

Yes we have, but I will start my summer holidays tomorrow.
I will try it after those 3 weeks and return that how the test go.


I got it tested and it seems to work.
Very strange because both servers are installed similar and both have same firewall settings.
Also both servers belong to same domain.