XData Server Error after Client-Timeout or Client closed

Hello Wagner,
we have a new question.

We have external logging from the tax authorities (TSE in Germany, USB stick) on our system. An XData server runs here for communication with the workstations.
So far we have processed every command from client to server synchronously. But one function (an export function) takes more time (currently 100 seconds). As a result, the client runs into a timeout.
We will now rebuild the server to process this function asynchronously, so we don't need to increase the timeout.
BUT, if a client (XDataClient, Postman or other) makes a request and finishes before the result arrives, then there is an exception in the XData Server. Actually not a problem if this is intercepted correctly. However, there is a strange entry in our log file that suggests that a critical access violation has occurred here.
In some cases we had problems with this XDtata server afterwards, which only disappeared after a restart. In the meantime, we have tested and modified a lot so that the XData server usually continues to run.
Could it be that there are still bugs in the core of XData?

In the log you can see that XData logs the POST call 2 (!!) times. But only 1 (!) call was made.
It looks as if after a successful completion (Result 200) the XData Server notices that the client is no longer available and immediately returns an error (Result 500). The exception is confused. random character.

Can you understand the error? We haven't done a simple separate test yet. So far only in our program environment.

Thank you

2022-11-28T16:22:15.723+01:00|V|7480|sngTse|POST /sopha/tse/func/exporttse/ 200 - 101531,94 ms
2022-11-28T16:22:15.724+01:00|V|7480|sngTse|POST /sopha/tse/func/exporttse/ 500 - 101531,94 ms
2022-11-28T16:22:15.724+01:00|E|7480|sngTse|(EHttpApiException: F7qj6rXCEQmIxVnr2qH4UQ) HTTP Server API Error.
Es wurde versucht, auf eine nicht vorhandene Netzwerkverbindung zuzugreifen - POST /sopha/tse/func/exporttse/ 500 - 101531,94 ms

This is confused
(EHttpApiException: F7qj6rXCEQmIxVnr2qH4UQ) HTTP Server API Error.

Hello @Kaeswurm_Thomas, that's a harmless exception.
The reason is exactly what you said: the client is gone and the server is still processing the exception, so when the server tries to finally respond to the client, it's not there anymore and thus such exception is raised. The exception is handled by TMS Sparkle, so there are no worries here.

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