XData NexusDB Date v DateTime Conflict


I have a column in a NexusDB table that is defined as a Date. A have set it as a TDate in the applicable entity entries but when I do a $filter on it in Swagger it fails as the query is still using timestamp instead of date. If I change the underlyying column type in the Nexus table to be a DateTime it works fine but I don't really want to do that. Please see below.



[Column('NextReviewDate', [])]
FNextReviewDate: Nullable<TDate>;

property NextReviewDate: Nullable<TDate> read FNextReviewDate write FNextReviewDate;
  "error": {
    "code": "EnxDatabaseError",
    "message": "NexusDB: <unnamed TnxQuery instance>: Query execution failed: \r\nType mismatch (nxtDate <> nxtDateTime) when comparing  at line 3, pos 25 [ A.NextReviewDate > TIMESTAMP '2013-04-28 00:00:00.000']\r\n\r\n [$3CA0/15520]"

Currently TMS XData doesn't understand a date literal. The only literals supported in $filter string is the complete one with date and time part.

Thus, when such value is "forwarded" to the underlying SQL-generation mechanism (Aurelius) it's set as a date/time value.

Thanks. Is it your intention to resolve this?

Yes, we can manage to support date-only and time-only literals.
Is this urgent for you? Is it ok for you if you file a feature request for this?

Thanks Wagner. Done. Yes, it is urgent for me as I have a VCL and Web Core app sharing the same database.



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Ok, thanks for adding the feature request.
We will try to implement this asap.

Thanks very much. I owe you a beer!

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