writing control characters

I am using the VaComm component to generate simulated data from a hardware datalogger. This outputs numbers in a hex format. When I try to generate the hex value 00 the VaComm component writes 20 (a space).

The integer 342 is output by the datalogger as 56 01 00 00 in hex. I can generate this using the IntToHex command which returns the string "00000156" in this case. 
I then extract the pairs of digits and use hextobin(pchar()) to convert the substrings to a binary value.
This works fine for the 56 and 01 values but the 00 values actually appear as 20 (spaces) when I monitor the output. i.e. I see 56 01 20 20 

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Is there a simpler (or at least better) way to do this?

procedure TForm1.OpVal(value, digits : LongInt);
    midstr, opstr : string;
    i, x : integer;
    sBuffer : char;
    opstr := inttohex(value,digits);
    for i := digits div 2 downto 1 do
        midstr := copy(opstr,(i * 2)-1,2);

Problem solved - 

My text editor was converting the 00 characters to 20 characters when reading the log file.