Workaround for Google date bug

Sometimes calendar items will come in with a created date of 0000-12-29T00:00:00.000Z. I've got it with a few of my own calendar items, and there's at least one other person who has that issue:!searchin/google-calendar-api/0000-12-29T00:00:00.000Z/google-calendar-api/BrYZJRKLmc0/KQHTC4wE7C8J

This causes ParseCalendarItem to fail because the year in the above date is zero, and EncodeDate requires year to be at least 1. I'm not really sure why Google is sending over calendars with that created date, but it's probably worthwhile coming up with a workaround. I manually modified CloudGCalendar to catch the conversion exception and merely assign the creation date to the updated date if creation date is 0 so the rest of the calendar can be parsed and loaded.


A workaround has been implemented for this date issue.
The update will be available with the next release of the TMS Cloud Pack.