Why do I get rubbish?


I've got thsi class:

  [Id('FAssessmentTypeID', TIdGenerator.IdentityOrSequence)]
  TAssessmentTypes = class
    [Column('AssessmentTypeID', [TColumnProp.Required, TColumnProp.NoInsert, TColumnProp.NoUpdate])]
    FAssessmentTypeID: integer;
    [Column('Active', [])]
    FActive: Nullable<integer>;
    [Column('Description', [TColumnProp.Required], 65356)]
    FDescription: string;
    [Column('Short', [], 65536)]
    FShort: Nullable<string>;
    [Column('CreateUSer', [])]
    FCreateUSer: Nullable<integer>;
    [Column('ModifyUser', [])]
    FModifyUser: Nullable<integer>;
    [Column('CreateTS', [], 65536)]
    FCreateTS: Nullable<string>;
    [Column('ModifyTS', [], 65536)]
    FModifyTS: Nullable<string>;
    [Column('Comments', [], 65536)]
    FComments: Nullable<string>;
    property AssessmentTypeID: integer read FAssessmentTypeID write FAssessmentTypeID;
    property Active: Nullable<integer> read FActive write FActive;
    property Description: string read FDescription write FDescription;
    property Short: Nullable<string> read FShort write FShort;
    property CreateUSer: Nullable<integer> read FCreateUSer write FCreateUSer;
    property ModifyUser: Nullable<integer> read FModifyUser write FModifyUser;
    property CreateTS: Nullable<string> read FCreateTS write FCreateTS;
    property ModifyTS: Nullable<string> read FModifyTS write FModifyTS;
    property Comments: Nullable<string> read FComments write FComments;

and when I do this:

....ObjectManager1.Find<TAssessmentTypes>(5); //id:5 exists in the DB

I get the correct record.

Then, I have this class:

  [Id('FEdRoleSetID', TIdGenerator.IdentityOrSequence)]
  TEdRoleSets = class
    [Column('EdRoleSetID', [TColumnProp.Required, TColumnProp.NoInsert, TColumnProp.NoUpdate])]
    FEdRoleSetID: integer;
    [Column('Active', [])]
    FActive: Nullable<integer>;
    [Column('Description', [TColumnProp.Required], 65536)]
    FDescription: string;
    [Column('Short', [], 65536)]
    FShort: Nullable<string>;
    [Column('CreateUser', [])]
    FCreateUser: Nullable<integer>;
    [Column('ModifyUser', [])]
    FModifyUser: Nullable<integer>;
    [Column('CreateTS', [], 65536)]
    FCreateTS: Nullable<string>;
    [Column('ModifyTS', [], 65536)]
    FModifyTS: Nullable<string>;
    [Column('Comments', [], 65536)]
    FComments: Nullable<string>;
    property EdRoleSetID: integer read FEdRoleSetID write FEdRoleSetID;
    property Active: Nullable<integer> read FActive write FActive;
    property Description: string read FDescription write FDescription;
    property Short: Nullable<string> read FShort write FShort;
    property CreateUser: Nullable<integer> read FCreateUser write FCreateUser;
    property ModifyUser: Nullable<integer> read FModifyUser write FModifyUser;
    property CreateTS: Nullable<string> read FCreateTS write FCreateTS;
    property ModifyTS: Nullable<string> read FModifyTS write FModifyTS;
    property Comments: Nullable<string> read FComments write FComments;

and when I do this:

...ObjectManager1.Find<TEdRoleSets>(5)΄//5 exists

I get rubbish....

Is it because there is another class that defines the following field?

  [Association([TAssociationProp.Lazy, TAssociationProp.Required], CascadeTypeAll)]
    [JoinColumn('EdRoleSetID', [TColumnProp.Required], 'EdRoleSetID')]
    FEdRoleSetID: Proxy<TEdRoleSets>;
    function GetEdRoleSetID: TEdRoleSets;
    procedure SetEdRoleSetID(const Value: TEdRoleSets);

What am I missing here?


What do you mean by rubbish, exactly? I can't see anything wrong in your mapping at first sight.

I mean I get neither the record from the database nor NIL. The return is a huge ID number and unrecognisable characters in the strings...like a memory dump

Are you sure the object was not destroyed after you retrieved it and before you read the properties?

Which object do you mean? The object manager?

I get the result like this:




another question but relevant to the code above.

The last snippet is from a class which linkes to the second class I show above.

If I delete a record of that class, should the linked class (with the snippet) be AUTOMATICALLy deleted since it has the CascadeAll property? or I have to do something else?

Yes, it will be deleted. And the associated object will be destroyed. That's what I mean, are you sure the object was not destroyed?

If you add a code right after the tmp := ...Find, do you see rubbish right there?

Not sure what was wrong. I deleted the code and rewrote it and now it seems to work correctly.

Thanks again