I would like to find the format for a .csv file use with a TMSFNCBarchart Maybe I can find that by connecting a grid adapter. But I can not find the instructions to install that component. Or is there perhaps en other entrance to find that format.
Anyway: Where to find the installation instructions for installing TTMSFNCChartGridAdapter ?
Hi Pieter,
Of course I have read this. Also I found that the TTMSFNCChartGridAdapter is not automatically installed. There is also a video how to install the AdvCHartGridAdapter (blurry: hardly readable). In the online manual (you cited): If you want to use the component in design-time it will be necessary to add the four different TTMSFNCChartGridAdapter units (and the Reg, DE and RegDE) with the prefix to the respective framework packages.. So I Did, but that did not result in a configurable component. I found you have to create a component: so I tried and that resulted in a lot of unknown units: Then I gave up and asked you:
Where to find the installation instructions for installing TTMSFNCChartGridAdapter ? (would be great if it would be in the manual ;-) )
It's not automatically installed because it requires TMS FNC UI Pack, so you'll have to manually install it by including all units in a separate package, and then install that package.