where can i find the Javascript manager in my IDE?

Hi ,

i could not find the Javascript manager anymore in my Delphi 10.3 Rio ,
not sure this where is this Manage Javascript Library from this Project context menu ?
is this the image is project context menu as mentioned in the document ?


This is in the context menu for a TMS WEB Core project shown from the project explorer in the IDE.

Verify also that 3 TMS WEB Core packages are listed AND active (checked) under Component / Install Packages

Hi Bruno ,

i checked , i misunderstood the doc , perhaps , changing the info to goto Project Explorer at the IDE , 
right click at the name of the project and select the popup context menu "Manage Javascript Libraries..."  is more striaght forward , 

anywhere thanks for your info , it helps.

We updated the doc to:

choose from
the project context menu in the project explorer pane in the IDE the menu