
I recently updated to the "UI Pack" to get access to sftp updates via web, I have been using http for many years, not awfully impressed having to pay for a load of components I don't need but there you go, it should just drop into my existing projects.

I cannot get sftp to work, it just kills the application I put it in and small form only application I have been trying to configure today. Others have reported the same issue to you, here's the log file of the last attempt today.

15/03/2022 15:38:50 : [918] Checking for Internet connection (Status:3) (Error:0)
15/03/2022 15:38:50 : [921] Found open Internet connection (Status:3) (Error:0)
15/03/2022 15:38:50 : [923] Connect to host : sftp.dc2.gpaas.net (Status:3) (Error:0)

password, host, port and id are correct

I can upload the inf and cab using the builder app (that tells me there is an update every time I run it but that never updates).

Is their any documentation/examples/tips on running sftp please, it's really beginning to bug me now.

I will have another go tomorrow if I get chance.

Regards, Ian

Is UpdateType set to sftpUpdate?
Is this a Win32 or Win64 app and depending on this, do you put the correct SSL DLL's (these are in the TMS VCL UI Pack source folder) in the same folder where your EXE is located?

Hello Bruno

It's 64bit, sftpUpdate and I copied all of the dll files in at some point today.

Regards, Ian

Is there any security software running on this machine that possibly interferes with the app's internet access?

Hello Bruno

Not sure if you will see my last, I replied by email ..

No, I use ssl connections to mysql servers and indy ssl without issue. That said, with so many versions of OpenSSL flying about out there I always use


with Indy based projects, it has helped in the past.

Regards, Ian


Are there no other lines after 15/03/2022 15:38:50 : [923] Connect to host : sftp.dc2.gpaas.net 1 (Status:3) (Error:0)?

Did you remove the _x64 suffix from the 64bit DLLs after copying them?

Apologies, I was out of office yesterday but I will get back to you shortly but I can confirm yes to both questions. I intend to isolate a test programme to satisfy myself it's not something on this dev machine. One question thought where's the documentation on using this protocol?

Regards, Ian

It should be the same as FTP which is covered in the TWebUpdate documentation. The only difference is that you need to set the update type to SFTP and place the 3 required DLLs next to the executable or in a system path (hence no SFTP specific documentation).

If your isolated text program does not work please provide us your sample application along with your IDE version for further investigation.


There are three of them:

  • libeay32.dll
  • ssleay32.dll
  • libssh2.dll