WebGMaps - Compile Error


I'm using Delphi XE 7 UP 1 on Windows 7 64 Bit Turkish, today i bought and install WebGmaps component to Delphi, when i try to compile any demo of provided by TMS or when i add a map to a blank form and try to compile delphi returns below error;

[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3263): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3264): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3648): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3649): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3650): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3705): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3706): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3707): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3840): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3841): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3842): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3894): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3941): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3942): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Error] pngimage.pas(3943): E2064 Left side cannot be assigned to
[dcc32 Warning] pngimage.pas(5008): W1000 Symbol 'Seek' is deprecated
[dcc32 Fatal Error] UWebGMaps.pas(491): F2063 Could not compile used unit 'PNGImage.pas'
Elapsed time: 00:00:01.2

What am i missing ?

PngImage.pas is a unit that is provided/included with Delphi XE7 itself and is not a TMS component. If there is an error inside this unit , I can only suspect your IDE is trying to compile with the wrong unit. 
Can you check your XE7 library path and make sure the PngImage.pas in your library is the one included by default in XE7.

Hi Nancy,

It seems like my Delphi using Jedi's or IOComp's PngImage.pas file, i can not give up on those two components i'm using them in almost all of my projects, is there any workarround for this problem ?

yep it's definitely because of IOComps component, i uninstalled that component and now it's working. But still wondering is there any workarround for it.

Copying original PngImage.pas file to the Project folder solved the problem, thanks.