Waitlist PlannerItem showing blank details

I'm populating a WaitList with items from a table. This is version of TPlannerWaitList.

When the start time of the appointment is set to anything between 8:30am and 8:59am the item details display blank, otherwise its as normal. I can work around this by changing the start time to 8:29am and it displays normally however this causes other problems in reports and so on.

Attached is small snippet showing the middle waiting list item with a start time of 8:30am. Note the blank display however you can still click on it and move it like any other planner item.

Laurence Bevan

Please provide more details and preferably send some sample source project with which we can reproduce the problem here.

I retested this here with the code:

  with plannerwaitlist1.Items.Add do
    ItemStartTime := encodetime(8,0,0,0);
    ItemEndTime := encodetime(8,29,0,0);
    Text.Text := 'Hello world 1';
    CaptionType := ctTime;
  with plannerwaitlist1.Items.Add do
    ItemStartTime := encodetime(8,0,0,0);
    ItemEndTime := encodetime(8,59,0,0);
    Text.Text := 'Hello world 2';
    CaptionType := ctTime;

and I cannot see any problem, any difference between the two items.

Sorry I wasn't posting an endtime for that item, problem solved.
