Version Info Not obvious or correct

Turning it On
From the documentation, it was not obvious that the Version property in TMS Webcore section had to be turned on. I turned on the Delphi one.

Then I turned on the TMS and turned off the Delphi one, that didnt work either.

They both need to be on, perhaps you could update in the help. I know if you turn on the TMS one first, it turns the other one on. But it wont be obvious to anyone that they both need to be on.

Version Number Itself
I set it to 1.3 as I have been versioning it myself for a while. And its 1.3 in both TMS and Delphi properties. Yet it produces 'js' files 1_0_0 which stuffs me up. It should use whats been setup.

Versioning in TMS WEB Core is set at TMS WEB Core project options:

Set a start version with 3 number version structure and set auto-increment version to true.
TMS WEB Core always uses a 3 number version structure and will perform increment on build of this number.

I guess it mucked up as I didnt start correctly. In the end I just changed every version number in the dproj file and its working now :-)