VCL Style versus AdvTaskDialog


I would like to use VCL Style, and AdvTaskDialog.

The AdvTaskDialog work perfect only, when in Project / Option / Application / Manifest file
- enable runtime themes=false OR
- manifest file=None.

The disable runtime themes in sample app work ok.

I disable the runtime themes in my main application, OK button.
But the delphi IDE set this checkbox enable auto, if I see this setting again.
This produce, beacuse I use something... ?  Any Idea?

I set the manifest file=None.
OK, the AdvTaskDialog work perfect, but the size of AdvGroupBoxes go wrong.
Eg 3 groupbox, align top, bottom, client, and the some of bottom groupbox outside of screen.

Thanks in advance.

Windows 10, Delphi XE10Seattle, TMS CP

Did you try to set AdvTaskDialog.NonNativeDialog = nndAlways?

Wowww, its work perfect! Thanks.

Maybe any tips, why I cant disable the settings: Project / Option / Application / Manifest file/  enable runtime themes? I dont use xp themes. I think.

I have rechecked this here but I can't see a relationship between using TAdvTaskDialog and disable the use of runtime themes. I tested this on a new application with a TAdvTaskDialog and I can disable runtime themes here without issues.
If a problem persists, can you please provide step by step information how to reproduce this here?

Yes, if I test a new app, the disable the use of runtime themeswork perfect.

Only my main app has a problem.

Not the TAdvTaskDialog produce this. But I dont know what produce this.
I use TMS CP, IBDAC, and FastReport.

Beacuse above I asked: any tips for this?

Verify your uses list that it doesn't include a unit that would add a theming manifest.
The only such unit that TMS has that does this is the WinXP unit. Remove from uses list in case this was the file causing this.