Values to axis


I have a diagram with balks which is orientated horizontal. On the horizontal axis I want to have the numbers (how can I placed it on the bottom instead on the top?) and on the vertical axis I want to have variable string values, like "0-5", "6-10", "11-15", "16-20" and so on.

The followed procedure I do not understand and the value YAxisGetVal is not known.

procedure TForm1.YAxisGetVal(Sender: TObject; Serie: TChartSerie;
Value: double; var AValue: string);
AValue := floattostr(Value - 15);

Many thanks



The YAxisGetVal needs to be assigned to the OnYAxisGetvalue event of the serie:

AdvChartView1.Panes[0].Series[0].OnYAxisGetValue := YAxisGetval.

The positioning can be modified by changing the YAxis / XAxis position property:

AdvChartView1.Panes[0].Series[0].XAxis.Position := xTop

Kind Regards, 
Scheldeman Pieter


thank you for your answers on my different questions. Them were helpful.

Only this answers is not enough for my understanding and I ask you for support.

I have installed the Version of the TMS Advanced Charts, but I can not find the procedure OnYAxisGetvalue. What is my mistake?

Thank you 


Did you implement the code as explained above?

  AdvChartView1.Panes[0].Series[0].OnYAxisGetValue := YAxisGetVal;

procedure TForm1.YAxisGetVal(Sender: TObject; Serie: TChartSerie;
  Value: double; var AValue: string);


Kind Regards, 

Yes of course. But when I try to compile the project I get the message that YAxisGetVal is not known...

Did you declare the method YAxisGetVal in the Form class?

Yes I did it. But I made another stupid mistake. Now it works well - thank you very much!
