Using TWebElementActionList with TWebContinuousScroll


I cannot manage to get this to work. The ItemTemplate is loaded at runtime.I have one action and I am calling WebElementActionList1.Actions[0].Bind after assigning it. The template is a bootstrap card and the bootstrap button that I wish to assign the action to is in the card-footer:

<div class="card-footer d-flex flex-nowrap" style="height:60px;">
   <div><h5 style="float:left">(%Town%)</h5></div>
   <div class="flex-grow-1"><h5 style="text-align:center">(%SaleStatusInt%)</h5></div>
   <div style="float:right"><button id="ViewButton" type="button" class="btn btn-success">(%View%)</button></div>

The TElementAction.ID is set as ViewButton and the OnExecute event just has a ShowMessage in it.

Clicking on the bootstrap button does nothing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I've found that calling the bind in the OnPageLoaded event works. Do I have to do this for each page?

Also for it to work for each button I have to set the selector to button instead of using the ID.

If you load the template at runtime, i.e. HTML for the template is not available upon form loading, you will need to programmatically perform an action element bind.