Using TCloudBase


I actually try to use the TCloudBase for some base communication to a very small local cloud provider.
There is a strange behaviour in the methods HttpsGet, HttpsPut and HttpsPost: When I add some headers the headers are not separated by a CarriageReturn. Just the HttpsDelete does.
A short look into the sources shows that the " + #10#13" are partially missing.
Is this intended to be so or is this a bug?


Add after the Value part #13#10 if there will be other header values coming after one.

Hi Bruno,

that cannot be serious.
You mean I should add a Carriage Return when preparing the header
values for a use with HttpsPut and leave them away when using the
HttpGet command?
I also do not expect to add "control characters" to a "value content" to ensure a correct HTTP header.

Please review the code and provide a better solution to me.

I offered a workaround for now, till we revised this.

It is revised now. Next update will have this improvement.