Using OnDrawCell event in WebCore?

I created a new Web application and dropped a TWebStringGrid on the form - I then created an event for OnDrawCell.

procedure WebStringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);

When I compile I get 'identifier not found "TGridDrawState" '. I tracked this down in vcl.Grids... but there appears to be no matching definition in WebLib.Grids.
Is this event not available in WebCore or am I missing something?

This event is not supported in TMS WEB Core.
It is published by the design-time VCL base class and unfortunately we can't unpublish it. (Delphi language limitation).

Ok thanks Bruno - I suspected that might be the case. :slight_smile:

Ahhh this explains why I didn't see anything in my cells.
