Use of CollectionView and style of items

If have two questions of how to use the CollectionView-Component:

  1. I want to use sections with plenty of item such that
  • the CollectionView scrolls vertical through the sections; each section only uses one "line" of the component
  • a scrollview scrolls horicontal through the items of a section

I tried to place the collection view with a huge width inside a scrollview and set its viewforzooming property to be the collectionsview. However, one cannot scroll horicontally. Any help?

  1. I want the corners of an image shown in the CollectionView to have round corners. According to apple's documentation one has to set cornerradius and masktobounds. In my code I use
    within onAddItemControl as well as OnApplyItemValue but without effect. Furthermore adding
    lets the app crash.
    It should be possible to use those iOS featrues, but how?


  1. In newer versions of macOS, there is an option to scroll in both directions, right now it needs a scrollview per item, which is not supported. We'll have to investigate the possibilities.

  2. The code should indeed work and OnApplyItemValue is the correct event, so it's unclear what is happening, but can you provide some more info on the crash? and perhaps provide a full code snippet?