use iCl HTML

I use components iCL. On the form are TMSFMXNativeUINavigationController1 and TMSFMXNativeUIViewController1. I want to place on the ViewController rich hypertext (HTML). On what component can I do this? Standard Component WebBrowse not fit. It is not visible on the form after compilation.

Hi Pieter,

I have the same question / request :

Would be nice to have a Native Web browser / view.

Is that possible ?



We currently do not have a native iOS UIWebView component available in the iCL package, the standard TWebBrowser components does not detect our components since it does not know about the current view, we are also unable to get a reference to the native iOS UIWebView instance created by the TWebBrowser component. 

We have added this on our feature request list for investigation to add support for a TTMSFMXNativeUIWebView component.

Kind Regards, 

Ok, I will wait for the next release.