Update entity in multi threading


  Connection: IDBConnection;
  Mgr: TObjectManager;
  LScanndata : TScanndata;
  NewScanndata : TScanndata;


  Connection := TFireDacMySqlConnection.CreateConnection;
  Mgr := TObjectManager.Create(Connection);

  NewScanndata:= TScanndata.Create;
    LScanndata := Mgr.Find<TScanndata>(index);
    NewScanndata.Idx := index.ToInteger;
    NewScanndata.Ackkops :=1;
    NewScanndata.Valid := 3;
    LScanndata := Mgr.Merge<TScanndata>(NewScanndata);

    Mgr.Flush; //(LScanndata);

   if Mgr <> nil then

Why does this code snippet  not work in multi threaded environment?
It should update  LScanndata,  a new record is written to Entity scanndata in an other thread some seconds before and now it should be updated with the result from a client operation. If I  do like this
NewScanndata.Idx := 100+ index.ToInteger;  it works. (I.E it is a new record)

Database : MariaDB 10.0.2  (MySQL)

I have many other write and read from DB that works very well, and I have really start liking Aurelius very much now after just a few weeks of work with it.
I think it have some thing to do with threading, the thread there the new record is created I do

    Mgr.Flush; //(LScanndata);

   if Mgr <> nil then

and then the thread is terminated.

Best regards
Ake Pettersson

What is the error you get? I don't see any problem with threading in this code - the issues you might have might be that you are dealing with same record in both databases and then you can't be sure which thread modified the record first.

In summary, your code is thread-safe from the pascal/Aurelius point of view - but I'm not sure if it is from the point of view of your business logic.

Note that you might not need some calls there: Flush is not needed after Save, if you have just inserted a single record in the manager.
Also, in first code, I'm not sure you need Merge there. Why not simply retrieving LScanndata, changing its properties, and then calling Flush? You don't need to call SaveOrUpdate in either scenario (your existing code or in my suggestion).


I get no error, it is happen nothing, the DB record is  just not updated.
This was my first atempt.
Connection := TFireDacMySqlConnection.CreateConnection;
  Mgr := TObjectManager.Create(Connection);

  NewScanndata:= TScanndata.Create;
    LScanndata := Mgr.Find<TScanndata>(index);
    LScanndata.Ackkops :=1;
    LScanndata.Valid := 3;

   if Mgr <> nil then

And it works in many other threads in my code. But not in this one.
I am very shure that  this task is the last to update the entity.
Can it be something with the MariaDB database driver ?

This last code is better, and should work just fine. I think it's safe to check if LScandata is coming nil. 

The only situation see the code above (last one) would not update data in the database is if LScandata is nil, or if the properties you are setting are not being modified (you are setting same values already existing in the object).
 Also, try to use OnSqlExecuting event to check the SQL statements generated by the managers, this way you have a better idea of what's exactly happening.


Do you have any example of how to use  OnSqlExecuting event ?

Sorry I forgot to search  in your demos, I found it there in MusicLibrary

I have two tasks the first runs a insert of a new record and after that it is update the same record in the same task. (works well) in the second task created as a result form an answer from a client the same record is updated , but nothing happens in the DB, I get a feeling of that the first task is delaying the save so it comes after the second task, how to control that? 

SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0
p_0 = "97355" (ftInteger)
UPDATE scanndata SET
  Sent = :A_Sent,
  Valid = :A_Valid,
  TimeStr = :A_TimeStr
WHERE Idx = :p_3
A_Sent = "1" (ftInteger)
A_Valid = "1" (ftInteger)
A_TimeStr = "  2017-05-03 22:31:38" (ftString)
p_3 = "97355" (ftInteger)
UPDATE scanndata SET
  Json = :A_Json,
  SentToKOPS = :A_SentToKOPS
WHERE Idx = :p_2
A_Json = "{"index":"97355","scanned":"2017-05-03 22:31:37","pid":"PORTAL02","mcid":"ID4455", "barcodes" : [ { "barcode" : "00002058"}, { "barcode" : "00004481"}, { "barcode" : "00005671"}, { "barcode" : "00007491"}, { "barcode" : "00007772"}]}" (ftString)
A_SentToKOPS = "2017-05-03 22:31:38" (ftDateTime)
p_2 = "97355" (ftInteger)

From here in the second thread.

SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0
p_0 = "97355" (ftInteger)
UPDATE scanndata SET
  Valid = :A_Valid,
  AckKOPS = :A_AckKOPS
WHERE Idx = :p_2
A_Valid = "3" (ftInteger)
A_AckKOPS = "1" (ftInteger)
p_2 = "97355" (ftInteger)

From the SQL statements you posted here, it looks everything is ok. The first thread performs two updates, the second thread performs one update. 

What is the symptom you see to claim that the second update is not happening? 

The database has not the changed values  to Valid = 3,AckKOPS = 1 when I look at with HeidiSQL (the db manager for MariaDB)

It seams to be a more general problem, I can't update any table(object) if it not is created by the same ObjectManager,  It works as I described earlier because the update is done in the same thread with the same manager. When I do a update from another thread or manager that create the object (record) it fails,I think that the DB detect some error in the sql and don't do the job and the error is not reported back. How to reproduce, setup a table use MariaDB ver 10.0.2  create a record change it with the same Manager it works, change with a new manager and it will fail. 

Output from FireDac Monitor running the query above  on a MySQL  5.5.56 DB but the result is the same, update of a record is not working  

       1  12:44:17:276  ***** Client [P: C:\DelphiProjekt\MyTest\Server\Win32\Debug\PPP_1.exe] activated
         2  12:44:17:042   . CreateConnection [ConnectionDef="MyTestportal"]
         3  12:44:17:058   . CreateTransaction [ConnectionDef="MyTestportal"]
         4  12:44:17:058   . Adapter FireDacMySqlConnection_1.Connection registered with client
         5  12:44:17:073  >> FireDacMySqlConnection_1.Connection.Open [ConnectionDef="MyTestportal"]
         6  12:44:17:073      >> Definition [Name="MyTestportal"]
         7  12:44:17:073           . Port=3304
         8  12:44:17:073           . Password=*****
         9  12:44:17:073           . User_Name=User
        10  12:44:17:073           . Database=MyTestportal
        11  12:44:17:073           . DriverID=MySQL
        12  12:44:17:073           . Server=
        13  12:44:17:073           . Name=MyTestportal
        14  12:44:17:073           . MonitorBy=Remote
        15  12:44:17:073           . Port=3306
        16  12:44:17:073           . ConnectionDef=MyTestportal
        17  12:44:17:073      << Definition [Name="MyTestportal"]
        18  12:44:17:073      >> FireDAC info
        19  12:44:17:089           . Tool=RAD Studio 10.2
        20  12:44:17:089           . FireDAC=16.0.0 (Build 88974)
        21  12:44:17:089           . Platform=Windows 32 bit
        22  12:44:17:089           . Defines=FireDAC_NOLOCALE_META;FireDAC_MONITOR
        23  12:44:17:089      << FireDAC info
        24  12:44:17:089       . mysql_get_client_info [Ver="6.1.6"]
        25  12:44:17:089       . mysql_init
        26  12:44:17:089       . mysql_options [option=1, arg=0]
        27  12:44:17:105       . mysql_real_connect [host="", user="User", passwd="***", db="MyTestportal", port=3306, clientflag=198158]
        28  12:44:17:120       . mysql_get_server_info [Ver="5.5.56"]
        29  12:44:17:120       . mysql_real_query [q="SET SQL_AUTO_IS_NULL = 0#0"]
        30  12:44:17:120       . mysql_insert_id [res=0]
        31  12:44:17:120       . mysql_real_query [q="SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_table_names'#0"]
        32  12:44:17:136       . mysql_store_result
        33  12:44:17:136       . mysql_fetch_row [res=$09C50998]
        34  12:44:17:136       . mysql_fetch_lengths [res=$09C50998]
        35  12:44:17:136      >> Fetched [Row=1]
        36  12:44:17:136           . Column [N=0, Len=22, Data='lower_case_table_names']
        37  12:44:17:136           . Column [N=1, Len=1, Data='1']
        38  12:44:17:136      << Fetched [Row=1]
        39  12:44:17:136       . mysql_free_result [res=$09C50998]
        40  12:44:17:152      >> Driver log
        41  12:44:17:152           . Loading driver MySQL ...
        42  12:44:17:152      << Driver log
        43  12:44:17:152       . mysql_get_server_info [Ver="5.5.56"]
        44  12:44:17:152       . mysql_get_client_info [Ver="6.1.6"]
        45  12:44:17:152       . mysql_character_set_name [res="latin1"]
        46  12:44:17:152       . mysql_get_host_info [res=" via TCP/IP"]
        47  12:44:17:152      >> Client info
        48  12:44:17:152           . DLL=C:\DelphiProjekt\MyTest\Server\Win32\Debug\LibMySQL.DLL
        49  12:44:17:152           . Client version=601060000
        50  12:44:17:152      << Client info
        51  12:44:17:152       . mysql_get_server_info [Ver="5.5.56"]
        52  12:44:17:152       . mysql_get_client_info [Ver="6.1.6"]
        53  12:44:17:152       . mysql_character_set_name [res="latin1"]
        54  12:44:17:152       . mysql_get_host_info [res=" via TCP/IP"]
        55  12:44:17:152       . mysql_get_server_info [Ver="5.5.56"]
        56  12:44:17:152       . mysql_get_client_info [Ver="6.1.6"]
        57  12:44:17:152       . mysql_character_set_name [res="latin1"]
        58  12:44:17:152       . mysql_get_host_info [res=" via TCP/IP"]
        59  12:44:17:152      >> Session info
        60  12:44:17:152           . Current catalog=
        61  12:44:17:152           . Current schema=
        62  12:44:17:152           . Server info=5.5.56
        63  12:44:17:152           . Client info=6.1.6
        64  12:44:17:152           . Characterset name=latin1
        65  12:44:17:152           . Host info= via TCP/IP
        66  12:44:17:152           . Name modes=CILCTD
        67  12:44:17:152           . SSL Cipher=
        68  12:44:17:152      << Session info
        69  12:44:17:152  << Open [ConnectionDef="MyTestportal"]
        70  12:44:17:152   . CreateCommand [ConnectionDef="MyTestportal"]
        71  12:44:17:152   . Adapter TFDQuery($09AE7430) registered with client
        72  12:44:17:152  >> TFDQuery($09AE7430).Prepare [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
        73  12:44:17:183       . Preprocessed [CMD="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = ?", FROM="scanndata", VP=0, VPE=0, OBP=0, CK=1]
        74  12:44:17:183       . mysql_stmt_init [mysql=$09C46540, Result=$00000000]
        75  12:44:17:183       . mysql_stmt_prepare [stmt=$09C4E998, q="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = ?"]
        76  12:44:17:214       . mysql_stmt_param_count [stmt=$09C4E998, Result=1]
        77  12:44:17:214       . mysql_stmt_field_count [stmt=$09C4E998, Result=14]
        78  12:44:17:214       . mysql_stmt_attr_set [stmt=$09C4E998, option=0, arg=0]
        79  12:44:17:214       . mysql_stmt_attr_set [stmt=$09C4E998, option=2, arg=50]
        80  12:44:17:214       . mysql_stmt_bind_param [stmt=$09C4E998, count=1]
        81  12:44:17:214  << Prepare [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
        82  12:44:17:214  << TFDCustomCommand.Prepare [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
        83  12:44:17:214  >> Define(TFDDatSManager) [ADatSManager="Manager", ATable="<nil>", Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
        84  12:44:17:230   . CreateMetaInfoCommand [ConnectionDef="MyTestportal"]
        85  12:44:17:230   . Adapter FireDacMySqlConnection_1.Connection.TFDPhysMySQLCommand($09E1EEA0) registered with client
        86  12:44:17:230  >> FireDacMySqlConnection_1.Connection.TFDPhysMySQLCommand($09E1EEA0).Prepare [Command="Table PKey Fields (scanndata.scanndata)"]
        87  12:44:17:230       . Adapter FireDacMySqlConnection_1.Connection.TFDPhysMySQLCommand($09E1EEA0) unregistered with client
        88  12:44:17:230  << Prepare [Command="Table PKey Fields (scanndata.scanndata)"]
        89  12:44:17:230  >> Open [Command="Table PKey Fields (scanndata.scanndata)"]
        90  12:44:17:230       . mysql_real_query [q="SHOW INDEX FROM `MyTestportal`.`scanndata`#0"]
        91  12:44:17:245       . mysql_store_result
        92  12:44:17:245       . mysql_more_results
        93  12:44:17:245       . mysql_num_fields [res=$09C52D08]
        94  12:44:17:245       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D08, fieldnr=0]
        95  12:44:17:245       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D08, fieldnr=1]
        96  12:44:17:245       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D08, fieldnr=2]
        97  12:44:17:245       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D08, fieldnr=3]
        98  12:44:17:245       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D08, fieldnr=4]
        99  12:44:17:245       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D08, fieldnr=5]
       100  12:44:17:245       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D08, fieldnr=6]
       101  12:44:17:245       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D08, fieldnr=7]
       102  12:44:17:245       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D08, fieldnr=8]
       103  12:44:17:245       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D08, fieldnr=9]
       104  12:44:17:245       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D08, fieldnr=10]
       105  12:44:17:245       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D08, fieldnr=11]
       106  12:44:17:261       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D08, fieldnr=12]
       107  12:44:17:261  << Open [Command="Table PKey Fields (scanndata.scanndata)"]
       108  12:44:17:261  >> Fetch [ATable="Table", Command="Table PKey Fields (scanndata.scanndata)"]
       109  12:44:17:261       . mysql_fetch_row [res=$09C52D08]
       110  12:44:17:261       . mysql_fetch_lengths [res=$09C52D08]
       111  12:44:17:261      >> FireDacMySqlConnection_1.Connection.Fetched [Row=1]
       112  12:44:17:261           . Column [N=0, Len=9, Data='scanndata']
       113  12:44:17:261           . Column [N=1, Len=1, Data='0']
       114  12:44:17:261           . Column [N=2, Len=7, Data='PRIMARY']
       115  12:44:17:261           . Column [N=3, Len=1, Data='1']
       116  12:44:17:261           . Column [N=4, Len=3, Data='Idx']
       117  12:44:17:261           . Column [N=5, Len=1, Data='A']
       118  12:44:17:261           . Column [N=6, Len=1, Data='0']
       119  12:44:17:261           . Column [N=7, Len=0, Data=NULL]
       120  12:44:17:261           . Column [N=8, Len=0, Data=NULL]
       121  12:44:17:261           . Column [N=9, Len=0, Data='']
       122  12:44:17:261           . Column [N=10, Len=5, Data='BTREE']
       123  12:44:17:261           . Column [N=11, Len=0, Data='']
       124  12:44:17:261           . Column [N=12, Len=0, Data='']
       125  12:44:17:261      << Fetched [Row=1]
       126  12:44:17:261       . mysql_fetch_row [res=$09C52D08]
       127  12:44:17:261       . EOF
       128  12:44:17:261  << Fetch [ATable="Table", Command="Table PKey Fields (scanndata.scanndata)", RowsAffected=1]
       129  12:44:17:261   . Eof reached [ATable="Table", Command="Table PKey Fields (scanndata.scanndata)"]
       130  12:44:17:261  >> Close [Command="Table PKey Fields (scanndata.scanndata)"]
       131  12:44:17:261       . mysql_more_results
       132  12:44:17:261       . mysql_free_result [res=$09C52D08]
       133  12:44:17:261  << Close [Command="Table PKey Fields (scanndata.scanndata)"]
       134  12:44:17:261  >> Unprepare [Command="Table PKey Fields (scanndata.scanndata)"]
       135  12:44:17:261       . mysql_more_results
       136  12:44:17:261  << Unprepare [Command="Table PKey Fields (scanndata.scanndata)"]
       137  12:44:17:261   . Destroy [Command="Table PKey Fields (scanndata.scanndata)"]
       138  12:44:17:261  >> TFDQuery($09AE7430).Open [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
       139  12:44:17:261       . mysql_stmt_execute [stmt=$09C4E998]
       140  12:44:17:277       . mysql_stmt_field_count [stmt=$09C4E998, Result=14]
       141  12:44:17:277       . mysql_stmt_store_result [stmt=$09C4E998]
       142  12:44:17:277       . mysql_stmt_result_metadata [stmt=$09C4E998]
       143  12:44:17:277       . mysql_more_results
       144  12:44:17:277       . mysql_num_fields [res=$09C52D28]
       145  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=0]
       146  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=1]
       147  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=2]
       148  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=3]
       149  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=4]
       150  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=5]
       151  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=6]
       152  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=7]
       153  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=8]
       154  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=9]
       155  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=10]
       156  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=11]
       157  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=12]
       158  12:44:17:277       . mysql_fetch_field_direct [res=$09C52D28, fieldnr=13]
       159  12:44:17:277       . mysql_stmt_bind_result [stmt=$09C4E998, count=14]
       160  12:44:17:277  << Open [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
       161  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=1, SrcName="A_Idx", SrcType=Int32, SrcSize=0, SrcPrec=11, SrcScale=0, Type=Int32, Size=0, Prec=11, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="Idx"]
       162  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=2, SrcName="A_ScannTime", SrcType=DateTimeStamp, SrcSize=0, SrcPrec=0, SrcScale=0, Type=DateTimeStamp, Size=0, Prec=0, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="ScannTime"]
       163  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=3, SrcName="A_PID", SrcType=AnsiString, SrcSize=30, SrcPrec=0, SrcScale=0, Type=AnsiString, Size=30, Prec=0, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="PID"]
       164  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=4, SrcName="A_MCID", SrcType=AnsiString, SrcSize=30, SrcPrec=0, SrcScale=0, Type=AnsiString, Size=30, Prec=0, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="MCID"]
       165  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=5, SrcName="A_Sent", SrcType=Int32, SrcSize=0, SrcPrec=11, SrcScale=0, Type=Int32, Size=0, Prec=11, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="Sent"]
       166  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=6, SrcName="A_Valid", SrcType=Int32, SrcSize=0, SrcPrec=11, SrcScale=0, Type=Int32, Size=0, Prec=11, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="Valid"]
       167  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=7, SrcName="A_RawStr", SrcType=AnsiString, SrcSize=300, SrcPrec=0, SrcScale=0, Type=AnsiString, Size=300, Prec=0, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="RawStr"]
       168  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=8, SrcName="A_ITwoFive", SrcType=AnsiString, SrcSize=300, SrcPrec=0, SrcScale=0, Type=AnsiString, Size=300, Prec=0, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="ITwoFive"]
       169  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=9, SrcName="A_LoadOrderNr", SrcType=AnsiString, SrcSize=30, SrcPrec=0, SrcScale=0, Type=AnsiString, Size=30, Prec=0, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="LoadOrderNr"]
       170  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=10, SrcName="A_TimeStr", SrcType=AnsiString, SrcSize=300, SrcPrec=0, SrcScale=0, Type=AnsiString, Size=300, Prec=0, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="TimeStr"]
       171  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=11, SrcName="A_Json", SrcType=AnsiString, SrcSize=400, SrcPrec=0, SrcScale=0, Type=AnsiString, Size=400, Prec=0, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="Json"]
       172  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=12, SrcName="A_AckKOPS", SrcType=Int32, SrcSize=0, SrcPrec=11, SrcScale=0, Type=Int32, Size=0, Prec=11, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="AckKOPS"]
       173  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=13, SrcName="A_SentToKOPS", SrcType=DateTime, SrcSize=0, SrcPrec=0, SrcScale=0, Type=DateTime, Size=0, Prec=0, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="SentToKOPS"]
       174  12:44:17:277   . Col add [Index=14, SrcName="A_ReTry", SrcType=Int32, SrcSize=0, SrcPrec=11, SrcScale=0, Type=Int32, Size=0, Prec=11, Scale=0, OrigTabName="MyTestportal.scanndata", OrigColName="ReTry"]
       175  12:44:17:277   . Primary key [Cols="Idx"]
       176  12:44:17:277  << Define(TFDDatSManager) [ADatSManager="Manager", ATable="<nil>", Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
       177  12:44:17:292  >> TFDCustomCommand.Fetch [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0", AAll=False, ABlocked=True]
       178  12:44:17:292  >> Fetch [ATable="scanndata", Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
       179  12:44:17:292       . mysql_stmt_fetch [stmt=$09C4E998, Result=100]
       180  12:44:17:292  << Fetch [ATable="scanndata", Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0", RowsAffected=0]
       181  12:44:17:292   . Eof reached [ATable="scanndata", Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
       182  12:44:17:292  >> Close [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
       183  12:44:17:292       . mysql_free_result [res=$09C52D28]
       184  12:44:17:292  << FireDacMySqlConnection_1.Connection.Close [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
       185  12:44:17:292   . TFDCustomCommand.FetchFinished [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0", AState=2, FRowsAffected=0]
       186  12:44:17:292  << TFDCustomCommand.Fetch [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0", AAll=False, ABlocked=True]
       187  12:44:17:292  >> TFDCustomCommand.Unprepare [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
       188  12:44:17:292  >> TFDQuery($09AE7430).Unprepare [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
       189  12:44:17:292       . mysql_stmt_close [stmt=$09C4E998]
       190  12:44:17:292  << Unprepare [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
       191  12:44:17:292   . Destroy [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
       192  12:44:17:292   . Adapter TFDQuery($09AE7430) unregistered with client
       193  12:44:17:292  << TFDCustomCommand.Unprepare [Command="SELECT A.Idx AS A_Idx, A.ScannTime AS A_ScannTime, A.PID AS A_PID, A.MCID AS A_MCID, A.Sent AS A_Sent, A.Valid AS A_Valid, A.RawStr AS A_RawStr, A.ITwoFive AS A_ITwoFive, A.LoadOrderNr AS A_LoadOrderNr, A.TimeStr AS A_TimeStr, A.Json AS A_Json, A.AckKOPS AS A_AckKOPS, A.SentToKOPS AS A_SentToKOPS, A.ReTry AS A_ReTry
FROM scanndata A
WHERE  A.Idx = :p_0"]
       194  12:44:17:292   . Adapter FireDacMySqlConnection_1.Connection.TFDPhysMySQLTransaction($09E1E780) registered with client
       195  12:44:17:292  >> FireDacMySqlConnection_1.Connection.StartTransaction [ConnectionDef="MyTestportal"]
       196  12:44:17:292   . mysql_real_query [q="BEGIN#0"]
       197  12:44:17:308   . mysql_insert_id [res=0]
       198  12:44:17:308  << StartTransaction [ConnectionDef="MyTestportal"]
       199  12:44:17:308  >> Commit [ConnectionDef="MyTestportal", Retaining=False]
       200  12:44:17:308   . mysql_real_query [q="COMMIT#0"]
       201  12:44:17:308   . mysql_insert_id [res=0]
       202  12:44:17:308  << Commit [ConnectionDef="MyTestportal", Retaining=False]
       203  12:44:17:308  >> Close [ConnectionDef="MyTestportal"]
       204  12:44:17:308   . mysql_close
       205  12:44:17:323  << Close [ConnectionDef="MyTestportal"]
       206  06:24:00:652   . Adapter FireDacMySqlConnection_1.Connection unregistered with client
       207  06:24:00:652   . Adapter FireDacMySqlConnection_1.Connection.TFDPhysMySQLTransaction($09E1E780) unregistered with client
       208  12:44:19:292  ***** Client [P: C:\DelphiProjekt\MyTest\Server\Win32\Debug\PPP_1.exe] disconnected

You are creating a new connection in each thread. Isn't this has to do with transaction isolation? When you say a more general problem you mean when using threads, right? When two different threads, using two different connections, in two different transactions, are trying to update the same data. Then of course it depends on some FireDac configuration to determine if one transaction will be able to see data modified by the other. If the commands are done sequentially, even if using different managers, it should be no problem at all.

You will have to synchronize your threads. Also, try to use the same connection in both threads, at least they will be under the same transaction.

It is worse than that! I think that this has nothing to do with multi threading on mysql /mariaDB. The Updating is not working, if you do update with another manager/connection than that create the record it will fail. My logs above from today is single thread,  even if I do an update on any of may tables it does not work, but I can create new records so therefore I have not seen any problem until I start doing update of existing records. But if the record is created and later updated with the same manger/connection it works, that was why I thought i was related to problems with multi-threading but it is not, t is a general failure in Aurelius for MySql/MariaDB, the lastest test I did was with MySQL 5.5.56 to be sure it not is a problem related just to MariaDB  It it easy to replicate the problem: setup a table use  MariaDB /MySql  create a record change it with the same Manager/connection it works, change with a new manager/connection and it will fail.  

Could you please reduce that test application that reproduces the problem to a very minimal one and send it to us through e-mail? We will investigate what's going on.