Unit 'PngImage' not found.

[dcc32 Fatal Error] gdipicture.pas(28): F2613 Unit 'PngImage' not found.

After update to last TMS Components the following error apeared,

De facto I cannot find the PngImage.pas anywhere.

Any hints?

We are not aware of any changes that would cause something like this.

What Delphi versions do you use? What components are being used?
Delphi Tokyo  10.2  Community edition,

where should I find pngimage.pas in sources?

I was using AdvGlowButton, AdvMenus, AdvToolBarStylers,

I suspect something is wrong with my setup, But another more complex application has no problem like this and I use the same set of components.

The file is vcl.imaging.pngimage.pas and this file should be in your VCL library source folder.

Maybe the issue is caused because there is something wrong with unit scope names in your project settings. Please review if the unit scope names in project options are set to:
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Your hint solved the problem, for an unknown reason my 

unit scope names in project options was empty.

Thank you